Boards Of Canada: Twoism LP
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It has been an incredible 2013 for fans of the revered and enigmatic electronic act Boards of Canada (hugely successful new album Tomorrow's Harvest, their first new LP in 8 years, followed by the announcement that Warp is reissuing their iconic first 3 albums - Music Has the Right to Children (1998), Geogaddi (2002) and The Campfire Headphase (2005) - on vinyl).
That winning streak is continuing as Warp is also reissuing Boards of Canada's 3 EPs Twoism (1995), In A Beautiful Place Out In The Country (2000), and Trans Canada Highway (2006), which all see their first vinyl pressings since their original releases. Like the LP reissues, each project has been painstakingly produced with the fans in mind, from the original DAT tapes and vinyl metal work, to the incredibly matched prints, with each release containing an exclusive sticker.
First released on the Music70 in 1995, Boards of Canada’s first EP alerted the world strange goings on in rural Scotland. A near flawless mix of nostalgia-swathed electronics, tracks like "Sixtyniner" offered softly murmuring, crunchy rhythms, while title track "Twoism" swoons elegantly, a distant beat bathed in spidery lines of cooing synths. The gorgeous "Melissa Juice" teased a melody out of sonar synths, which is followed by "Smokes Quantity," a track of lightly rumbling static to get lost in.