JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown: Scaring The Hoes (white) LP

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After teasing the project for over a year, JPEGMAFIA and Danny Brown have announced their debut collaborative album, Scaring The Hoes. Highlights include the singles "Lean Beef Patty" and "Scaring The Ho

JPEGMAFIA, a genre-straddling iconoclast himself, shares Danny Brown’s pharmaceutical appetites and distaste for culture-industry dross. A veteran of the U.S. Air Force and Baltimore punk clubs, he’s cultivated a comparably broad audience by contrasting frenetic glitch-hop with meme-fluent snark.

Their collaborative full-length, Scaring The Hoes, produced entirely by JPEG, is a vehicle for the duo’s irreverent humor and energy that captures a pair of spit-balling pranksters who nevertheless maintain perfect GPAs.

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