Audjoins: Light Breaks In CS

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This is an album about the Sun and the warmness of spring and cycles and daytime and repetition and death and rebirth and the dawn and the dusk and the light and hope.
Do not give in. Hold on to each other and hold on to the light.
Thank you.

"Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in."

Audjoins is the ambient outlet of Clementine Bourque, a musician and sound artist based in Montreal. Clementine has a deep love and respect for drone music and views it as the most unifying aspect of music all over. Audjoins is an expression of that appreciation, and acts as a conduit for connectivity between Clementine and her audience.
Clementine grew up playing in worship bands and can be found listening to Bruce Springsteen most days

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